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  • Welcome t​o our young & vibrant church in the new growing suburb "Aura" in Caloundra - Sunshine Coast.
  • Harvest Church Caloundra started in May 2020 
  • We are affiliated with Crosslink Christian Network as our covering, but we are an autonomous local Christian Church, not a denomination.
  • We are also an approved church on the Church Tracker with Rock Harbour Church / Ps Brendon Holthaus
  • Our mission if you chose to accept: Is to know Christ & to make Him known.
  • Our goal is to make disciples that give witness to a life ablaze with love & passion for Jesus.
  • We are a local Pentecostal Church with Biblically based absolutes and values, preaching the unchanging Word of God in a continuously changing culture.
  • We are an anti-"woke" church & do not go along with "worldly" trends or even trends, fads & gimmicks in the "church world".
  • The pastors have served as missionaries in Russia, Ukraine & various Eastern European nations & planted / pastored also churches in the Netherlands & New Zealand.
  • We regularly teach Biblical (end time) prophecy & the prophetic place of Israel, since we live in the days that they are being fulfilled & the Body of Christ needs to be prepared for His return (imminent rapture).
  • We stand unreservedly & unequivocally with Israel: No Israel replacement or Dominion theology !
  • We passionately desire to see people saved and become all Christ called them to be.
  • Just as you want your home to be a place of refuge, also Harvest Church is a spiritual home of peace, refuge & safety, in a world gone mad & out of control.
  • We believe in signs, wonders & miracles, following & confirming the preaching of the Word.
  • We are meeting every Sunday at 9.30am at the Baringa Community Centre, 20 Edward Terrace, Baringa.


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